Heritage Issues on Queen W

Fine Grained retail on Queen

Executive Summary:

The objective of phase one of the West Queen West, Heritage Conservation District Study
is to define the tangible and intangible heritage attributes that constitute the “special
character” of Queen Street and the West Queen West Triangle. WQWT. This includes:
stating the rationale for determining the area boundaries, providing a credible basis for area
wide designation, to outline the legislative framework around heritage districts and lay the
groundwork for area specific guidelines and the subsequent phases of the study.
A completed study will set in motion an official process that if adopted will end in legislation
and bylaws that preserve existing built heritage in the area and manage the impact of future
development. The study provides an exclusive forum for stating the issues, shaping policy
and the impact a heritage designation has on the community for all stakeholders.

The full report is in the process of being approved by the City of Toronto.  We will publish when the approval process is complete.

East to Gladstone along queen street